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Overview of Trusts Act 2019

TRUSTS ACT 2019 – AN OVERVIEW   Background There have been significant changes recently to trust law in New Zealand. The Trusts Act 2019 was passed on 30 July 2019 and replaces the prior governing pieces of legislation, being the Trustee Act 1956 and the Perpetuities...

Shareholder’s Agreement

Shareholder’s Agreement  A shareholders agreement should be seriously considered where there is more than one shareholder in a company. Resolving a dispute or exiting the company could become a very expensive and lengthy exercise without one.   What is a...

Do your terms of trade protect you?

Do your terms of trade protect you? Here is a list of questions to get you thinking. Approach Who is your customer buying from? Make sure your company name is correct, believe it or not this is a common error. Do you offer quotes or estimates? Make it clear as to what...

Setting Up Business in New Zealand

Setting Up Business in New Zealand Preliminary New Zealand has a population of around 4.7 million people. Auckland (situated in the North Island) has a population of around 1.6 million people and is growing at the rate of around 40,000 people per annum.  At the time...

New Residential Land Tax Rules

New Residential Land Tax Rules The government has announced that it will shortly introduce a new bright-line test for the taxation of the sale of residential property. The new bright-line test will require income tax to be paid on residential land sold within two...

Why have a Trust?

Why have a Trust? If you are looking at going into business there are a number of good reasons why you may want to establish a family trust to hold your personal assets. There is a cost to setting up a trust and ongoing administrative requirements so it is important...

Lease Checklist

Lease Checklist Term / Renewal Term Shorter with rights of renewal will be more attractive to franchisees Other ongoing payments What other payments are due under the Lease? Marketing contribution; Percentage rent. Use of Premises Keep as general as possible to allow...

Bank Guarantees

Bank Guarantees A bank guarantee is an agreement by a bank to pay a certain sum to the landlord on demand from that landlord when the tenant is in arrears under the lease.  The bank does not have to check with the tenant whether or not it should make payment.  The...

Agreement to Lease Checklist

Agreement to Lease Checklist Tenant entity Who is going to be the tenant? Think about incorporating a separate tenant entity per lease (to contain liability). Make sure the tenant company is incorporated prior to execution or the person signing will incur personal...

The Cancellation of a Lease, Sublease or Licence

The Cancellation of a Lease, Sublease or Licence Strictly follow the previsions of the Property Law Act 2007 (PLA) This is of critical importance. The ramifications for a tenant in terms of losing their business/livelihood can be significant as a result of a...